The Gods of Mount Olympus Family Tree Worksheet

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The twelve Olympian Gods are the nigh important gods in the ancient Greek Organized religion. Their names are Poseidon, Demeter, Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Apollo Athena, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, and Ares. Twelve Olympian Gods are equanimous of the outset- and 2nd-generation gods. In the first-generation Olympian gods are Poseidon, Demeter, Zeus, Hera. These Olympian Gods are the descendants of a titan couple Cronus and Rhea. There are Artemis, Apollo Athena, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, Ares in the 2d-generation Olympian gods. They live on the Mount Olympus above the clouds. The twelve Olympian Gods rule the world and represent the culture of Greece.


Zeus is a god of the sky and weather. He controlled the lightning, atmospheric condition, natural laws, Thunder, Order. He also is a god of begetter. He decides the ruler of the gods and humans. His role on Mountain Olympus is a chief approximate. His job needs to manage not but the homo simply also the Olympian Gods. So, he is a king of the Olympus and the Earth. His symbols are Thunderbolt, Aegis, Set of Scales, Oak Tree, Royal Scepter. There are four words tin represent him. They are justice, honest, fair and Honor.

Mythology of Zeus

Zeus and His Father

In Greek Mythology, Cronus killed his father, Uranus and controlled the earth with his wife, Rhea. One day, in that location is i body that told him. Ane of his sons would kill him and controlled the world. So, He terrified. He decided to swallow his children when they were born. Nevertheless, when his sixth kid Zeus was born, his wife Rhea hid Zeus in a cavern. So Rhea took a stone instead of Zeus to give her married man for eating. Later on a long fourth dimension, when Zeus grew upwardly, he poisoned his male parent with a bottle of poisonous wine. At the same time, he rescued his siblings that Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. Zeus fought confronting the other Titans with his siblings. They won wars together. Finally, Zeus started controlled the sky and conditions. Poseidon started controlled the water and sea. Hades started controlled the underworld…


Hera is a goddess of Marriage, Women, Birth, the Havens. She is the queen to heaven and twelve Olympian Gods in Greece. She is the sis of Zeus before she married Zeus. So, she is also Zeus'southward wife afterwards Zeus controls the heaven. She and Zeus together nativity the Ares. Hephaestus also is her child. Her symbols are Diadem, Scepter, Pomegranate. She represents the virtue and beauty of women

The wedding ceremony of Zeus and Hera.

I day, Zeus walked along in the area of the beautiful region of Hesperides. He suddenly found a lovely woman named Hera and fell in love. He became a frozen cuckoo and stood on the window of Hera's room. Hera saw the cuckoo. She felt very distressing and wanted to aid this cuckoo. So, she hugged this cuckoo in her room. At the same time, Zeus transformed into his identity and made love with Hera. Hera was scared that people wrought know this affair, and she wanted to cover her shame too. Hera decided to marry him. Zeus had a sacred the wedding with Hera then she became queen after wedding. Finally, Hera and Zeus had a sweetness honeymoon for 300 years…


Poseidon is the importat god in the twelve Olympian Gods. His Roman name is Neptune, and it is 1 of the nine planets. His parents are Cronus and Rhea, and Zeus is his brother. He controls Body of water, Earthquakes, Storms, and Horses. The symbols of him are trident, fish, dolphin. The dolphin is very important to Poseidon. Dolphin as a symbol that represents his power in the ocean. Nosotros tin can see Poseidon riding the dolphin in many movies. Poseidon is a god with powerfully aggressive and extremely ambitious.

Share the World with Zeus

After Poseidon and his siblings, they defeated his father, Cronus. Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, these three brothers, wanted to share the globe power that is heaven, sea, undercover. They decided a way that playing draws. They thought this is a fairway. Then Zeus got the heaven, Poseidon got the ocean, Hades got the underground. Now nosotros called Poseidon king of the sea…


Demeter is the goddess in the Greek Mythology. Her Roman name is Ceres. Her parents are Cronus and Rhea. She also is Zeus'due south sister. She is a goddess of grain, agriculture, fertility, and harvest. She teaches people farming. She likewise is one of the justice goddesses. She tin can make every object become gold. She also is the fourth wife of Zeus. They have a child chosen Persephone. Persephone is the wife of Hades. Her symbols are Cornucopia, Wheat, sickle, and Bread.

Demeter and burn

A long time ago. There was an old city called Eleusis. Metaneira is the queen of Eleusis and had a son chosen Demophon. One solar day, Demeter came to the world and transformed into an older woman. Demeter, every bit an older woman, was invited to visit Metaneira's firm. Demeter felt the hospitality of the queen Metaneira while having dinner in her house. At the same time, Metaneira wanted Demeter to take care of her son Demophon like a nurse because her son has a severe sickness. Only the queen did not know the older woman is goddess Demeter. Demeter agreed with Metaneira's request. Subsequently that day, Demeter fed Demophon with gods' foods. She besides burned Demophon at every night. This way can make Demphon immortal. Yet, one nighttime, his mother saw her son called-for in the fire. She cried and shrieked. Demeter showed her identity finally and saved Demophon…


Artemis' roman name is Diana. She is a goddess of hunt, wild, and the moon. Zeus and Leto(night goddess) are her parents. She and Apollo are twins. She controls bright. And so moon is a symbol of her. She likewise likes hunting. She has a high-level skill in archery. Deer is her sacred beast. Artemis as well a protector of young women. She represents a woman'southward confidence and independence.

Artemis and Animals

Artemis would spend much time to chase and constitute animals in the wood and grassland. It can be said that Artemis was born for hunting. She also was called "hostess of creature" by the man because of this reason. Artemis also like hunting with mortals. Thence. Artemis too get a protector of animals. And humans use deer to represent her sacred animal.


Apollo is a god of the lord's day. Apollo'due south parents are Zeus and Leto. He and Demeter are twins. He controls the light fourth dimension of ane solar day, and his sis controls a nighttime time of one day. Apollo is a god of fine art, music, lecture. In Greek Mythology, he is very good at the lyre and make cute rhythm. He can write poetry and stories. He likewise is a skilful of medicine. He teaches mortals medicine to salve lives. He is the most versatile, handsome, clever god. Nowadays, he represents a modal of male beauty.

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Music Competition between Apollo and Marsyas

Satyr Marsyas was the programmer and performer of flute from Phrygia. He was an arrogant human being. He thought he is the best flutist even better than Apollo. Ane twenty-four hour period, Apollo knew virtually this human being with his arrogant. He wanted to take a competition with Marsyas with flute. The winner of the game can do annihilation to the loser. The estimate of this game is Muse, who is the goddess of Arts and Sciences. During the contest, Marsyas played the flute with a wonderful melody. Apollo also played the lyre with a fantastic melody. So, they were tied in the showtime round. In the second round, Apollo turned his lyre upside downward and played a beautiful tune. However, flute could not be played upside down. So Marsyas loss the competition. In the end, Apollo hanged his torso from the tree and peeled off his skin. Finally, other gods transformed Marsyas' skin into a stream.


Athena is the goddess of war and wisdom. Her symbols are custodianship, helmet, armor, spear. Her Roman name is Minerva. Athena was born of Zeus's caput. Athena fights for justice in every fashion. Also, she is good at using strategy to win the wars. Athena is not only good at war only also teach citizens weaving, building transportation, established laws. These are the reason that she also is a goddess of wisdom. The name of the urban center of Athens is named after her. The Athenians congenital a temple called Parthenon for Athena.

The Name of Athens

A long time ago, the city of Athena did non have a name. At that fourth dimension, this city controlled by a king chosen Cecrops, who was half person and ane-half snake. Ane day he wanted to give his city a name that the proper name should use i of Olympian Gods' names. Two gods were interested in this name. One god is Poseidon, who is the god of body of water and convulsion. The other ane is Athena, who is the goddess of wisdom and war. This competition has i rule is to give a valuable gift for Cecrops' city. Poseidon created lakes with his trident as a souvenir. Nevertheless, information technology lost its value because the water is salt. People could non use the water for daily life. Athena used her spear to make an olive tree as a souvenir. The rex thought this olive tree is a symbol of peace and prosperity. It would exist a skillful impact on his urban center. So, he used Athena as the name of his city and build a temple for her. Now, Athens yet a famous and historical metropolis in Hellenic republic.


Hephaestus' roman is Vulcan. There are two versions of his parents in Greek mythology. His parent cloud is Zeus and Hera or Hera lone. He is a God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, and the art of sculpture. He has the best forging and metalworking skills in Hellenic republic. Hephaestus is called the god of fire considering his work is related to fire. He forges a lot of useful weapons for other Olympian Gods. His symbols are Hammer, Anvil, and Tones.

The "Robots"

Nosotros all know Hephaestus was a great blacksmith. He built a lot of useful weapons for Zeus, Ares, Athena, Hermes, and other gods. He also created some fancy robots for Gods. He made a gilded palace with some smart robots to serve all Gods. One golden statue could speak, had ideas and power like a man and two mechanical immortal dogs as guards of the palace. Automated tables provided foods for all Gods. This palace was more than like the "robots" palace and Hephaestus fabricated all.


Aphrodite'southward roman proper name is Venus and built-in from the waves of water. Aphrodite is a goddess of love, dazzler, pleasure, and procreation. Her married man is Hephaestus. She has a rule that a woman cannot be a virgin and so she can use honey magic to assistance human to attract a adult female because she believes love is beautiful. Aphrodite has some different lovers except her hubby, Hephaestus. Her symbols are Dolphin, Rose, and Pigeon.

Aphrodite and Golden Apple tree

This story happened during the wedding of King Peleus and sea-nymph Thetis. Eris was a goddess of anarchy, strife and, discord in Greece. She non invited to the hymeneals, so she was jealous of Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. She brought a gold apple that is a fruit of temptation during the wedding. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena all wanted to ain this apple. However, Zeus could not decide the owner of the golden apple because these iii goddesses all were important to Zeus. Then, Zeus gave this pick to a mortal handsome homo named Paris, who was the trojan prince. He chose the Aphrodite because Aphrodite promised to give him the nigh beautiful mortal woman, Halen. Finally, this case caused the trojan war in Greek mythology.


Hermes is the god of merchandise, Thieves, Travelers, Sports, diplomacy. His roman name is Mercury; it is one of the nine planets. Zeus and the goddess Maia. He is the messenger and interpreter of Zeus and other gods. He tin pass two worlds betwixt heaven and the mortal world. He tin can bring the mortal's prayer to the gods. In Greek mythology, he is an inventor of rules, numbers, and letters. His symbols are Talaria and Caduceus.

Hermes steals cattle

Nosotros all know Hermes is the god of thieves is because he like stealing and hiding things from other gods. A long time ago, there was a mortal called Battus. He lived on the peak of a loma where was a place that Hermes stole the cattle of Apollo. Battus saw Hermes took the cattle through his house and hid the cattle in the cave. Battus promised Hermes not to say this situation because Hermes would pay him. Yet, Battus all the same told this matter to Apollo. Apollo found the cattle and took the Hermes to detect Zeus for punishment. Hermes was aroused because Battus betrayed him. Finally, Hermes used his power to make Battus become a rock statue.


Dionysus is the god of wine and joy. His roman name is Bacchus. His parents are Zeus and the mortal princess Semele. He has a high-level skill in making wine. He invents how to cultivate grapes and make wines. He spread these knowledges to the human, bring the joy of drinking. He is responsible for creating recreational activities for mortals. His symbols are Grapes.

The Birth of Dionysus

One day Zeus saw a beautiful and lovely woman, Semele, and vicious in love. Soon after, Semele was pregnant, but this situation let Zeus' married woman Hera know. Hera was very jealous of Semele, and so she wanted to kill Semele. Hera transformed into a servant to tell Zeus is not love her. This sentence makes Semele began to doubt his identity. Zeus agreed to respond all the questions honestly in order to show his dear to her. And then Semele demanded Zeus to evidence his identity. Zeus knew that if mortal run into the identity of gods would be punished by expiry. Withal, Zeus could non go against his promise considering of beloved. The thunderbolt striking the house of Semele. Hermes tied Dionysus to Zeus' leg for saving his life. Hera always wanted to kill Dionysus since the solar day he birthed. And so, Dionysus must forced to motility and around the earth.


Ares is the god of war. His roman name is Mars, and mars is i of the ix planets. His parent is Zeus and Hera. He is a warfighter always with violent, bloody. His power is not similar his sis Athena because his war is bloodthirsty without any wisdom and strategy. And so Gods and mortals are both do not like him. His symbols are Spear, Helmet, Chariot.

Ares was Abducted by Giants

Ares is the god of war. However, he was encarmine, violent. These reasons caused other Olympian Gods did not like him. He e'er lived alone and no friends on Mount Olympus. Ane mean solar day, he was missing because Giants abducted him. Ares had been locked in the house by the giant for 18 months until the mother of giants realized Ares was locked up every bit an enemy. She informed this thing to Hermes for saving Ares. Finally, he owned freedom.

Works cited

  1. Cartwright, Mark. "The 12 Olympian Gods." Ancient History Encyclopedia, https://world wide
  2. "Greek Mythology – Greek Gods and Goddess in Aboriginal Greece." Greek Gods,
  3. "Greek Stories nearly Hera- The Sacred Wedding of Zeus and Hera." Greek Gods, https://world wide
  4. "Greek Stories about Demeter – Demeter-Fire." Greek Gods, https://world wide
  5. "Greek Stories about Artemis – Artemis-Animals" Greek Gods,
  6. Learnodo Newtonic. "10 About Famous Myths Featuring the Greek God Zeus" Learnod-newtonic, 19 Mar. 2019,
  7. Powell, Kimberly. "Genealogy of the Olympic Gods." ThoughtCo, Aug.22, 2019.
  8. "The Olympian Gods." Olympian Gods and Goddesses, Twelve Olympians -Greek Mythology,
  9. "Twelve Olympians: The 12 Olympian Gods of Mount Olympus." Greek Gods & Goddesses, https://greekgodsandgoddesses.internet/olympians/


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