No Paid DLC Characters For Tekken, Ever


Tekken producer, Katsuhiro Harada, maintains characters are besides important to be sold Eastern Samoa DLC.

Fighting games live and die by their case rosters, everything else is just facade. So, Capcom's decision to lock twelve of Tough X Tekken's on-magnetic disc characters in order to sell them as DLC – albeit, minus the "downloadable" part – was met with a to a lesser degree enthusiastic response from fans. It seems Namco won't be making the same error with the Tekken series.

"Tekken has ne'er had DLC before and charged for it," series producer, Katushiro Harada, told Edge. "This isn't in truth manageable at Capcom, I have always same this, but I examine the characters and their move sets as chess pieces – they are essential items necessary in the game and we would ne'er sell any of those individually."

Nevertheless, Harada did offer around justification for Capcom's decision to offer characters as happening-disk DLC.

"I expect the reason they did that was, if one player bought a part that another player didn't have, they would not embody able to play against each early online," helium said. "Each player needs to have the lineament data on their disc – if one doesn't, they would need to download information technology ahead each couple – and arsenic that includes the character model, the information would be pregnant, increasing the download time."

Presumably, most players would only have to download the extra data in one case, but 360 users who didn't spring for a simulation with a hard drive would in all likelihood finish unable to play the game online. Capcom insists that character information is on the disk to "save Winchester drive space, and to ensure a slick modulation when DLC is available."

Harada did mention that future Tekken games mightiness see some vanity item DLC, so crappy portio to those of you who wear't want to fight characters who flavour like they've scarcely survived a catastrophic explosion in a masquerade costume mill. He also added that Namco May use early get at to extra characters atomic number 3 a pre-order bonus, but that those characters would be available to everyone and could be unlatched simply past playing the game.


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